About Us

Previous versions of this site. The most recent version was launched in October 2017.
Launched in 2010, NASA's Climate Kids website tells the story of our changing planet through the eyes of the NASA missions studying Earth. Targeting kids ages 8 and up, the site is full of games, activities and articles that make climate science accessible and engaging.
NASA's Role In the Study of Climate Change
NASA is a world leader in climate studies and Earth science. While its role is not to set climate policy or prescribe particular responses or solutions to climate change, its purview does include providing the robust scientific data needed to understand climate change. NASA then makes this information available to the global community – the public, policy- and decision-makers and scientific and planning agencies around the world.
This site is produced for NASA's Science Mission Directorate by the NASA Space Place team at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Responsible NASA Officials: Michael Carlowicz, Ellen Gray, Wendy Mihm
Director for Communications and Education: W. Michael Greene
JPL Public Engagement Manager: Alice Wessen
Responsible JPL Official: Anya Biferno
Program Lead: Jessica Stoller-Conrad
Web Development Team
Producer/Editor/Writer: Jessica Stoller-Conrad
Game/Web Developer: Kyle Mansfield
Writer: Angela Colbert
Commercial Product Disclaimer
Occasionally, information on a particular product that demonstrates how NASA-developed technology has been put into use may be included on a NASA web site. Any such mention of a commercial product on this web site should not be regarded as an endorsement or recommendation by NASA.